
Members Login


Privacy notice

bs-03-6743-2266.net is operated by BS Payment Singapore PTE LTD.

1.Protecting personal information

We collect all personal information of our members who register bs-03-6743-2266.net.
We protect the personal information carefully. We believe this is our social responsibility.

2.Acquisition of the personal information
bs-03-6743-2266.net acquires personal infomation fairly.We clarify the purpose of its use.

3.Measures to ensure proper handling of personal information
We keep the personal information strictly due to avoid unauthorised access,loss,damage,falsification,etc by use of our technology.

4.Providing personal infomation
We do not provide personal information to third parties.
However, government institutions may require us to provide it. In this case we may show our members personal information.

5.About compliance
We are obedient to laws and ordinances.As a result we perform our social responsibility.

6.Contact with personal information department
If you wish to ask about your personal information, please email our support centre This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

7.Revision of our privacy notice
(1)When we need to revise our privacy notice, we will publish it on our website.We will also update revision of our privacy notice on the website.
(2)When a member can not agree with our privacy notice or new regulation,the member may suspend using our service.

8.Use of statistical information
bs-03-6743-2266.net uses analysis tool for investigation of our website.
We do not use or release any information of our members which we received from the analysis tool.

9.Log file
bs-03-6743-2266.net assembles log file information due to keepout unauthorized access.
Log file infomation includes IP address,type of browser,identification number,domain name,accessing time and website address.
We do not use it to identify an individual.

bs-03-6743-2266.net uses Cookies.For PC users,we use it for identify IP address and type of browser.
For Mobile phone users,we use it for identify identification numbers.
According to this,both users do not need to sign in ID or pass word.
If a PC user's PC is shared to use with other people, the third person might use the ID and pass word.
So that please log out every time.

11.Avoid wrongdoing
bs-03-6743-2266.net confirms emails when we receive complaint emails.We protect our members against invasion of privacy.
We also warn someone who is under 18 years old not to use our web site.That person will be blocked from accessing the site.
Additionally, we strictly prohibit breaking the law in any situation.
Besides that bs-03-6743-2266.net does not reccomend to display personal information such as phone numbers, email address,etc on bulletin board system in our web page because it can be dangerous.
Moreover we censor all pictures which are sent by our members to protect unauthorised use after registration.

12.External links
External links are displayed on our web site when our members access bs-03-6743-2266.net.
However, these links are not operated by bs-03-6743-2266.net.
When our members access those web sites, it would be better to make sure their own privacy policies such as payment,use of personal information,etc.
We are not responsible for the contents,services or goods of any third party websites.Please be careful.

13.Use of membership registration data
◆Disclosure and modification
After logging in membership, our members may confirm or disclose their registration data.
Our members may also ask to our technical support centre to confirm or disclose their registration data.
Our technical support centre would ask their personal information for confirmation.
We accept withdrawal by email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Registration number and email address are only used for two reasons below:
(1)Easy to re-register
(2)Avoid duplicated registration
◆Dismissal from membership
bs-03-6743-2266.net terminates a membership when a member breaks our Privacy notice or Terms and Conditions.
We keep registration data after termination due to avoid re-registration.

14.Regular domain
Our regular domain is [bs-03-6743-2266.net] only. We have nothing with other domains.
A third party might pretend to be bs-03-6743-2266.net to link fraudulently.Please be careful that it can be a phishing scam.

15.Oath of personal information protection
If you have any questions about our oath of personal information protection please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

16.Contact address
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it